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Do you have a negative habit that you want to overcome?

Do you have a negative habit that you want to overcome?

Each one of us has a bad habit that we wish to overcome whether it is smoking, drinking alcohol, not exercising, sleeping too much, or any other negative habit. You should always try to improve yourself and overcome negative habits as they can harm your growth as a human being.
To learn how to overcome a bad habit, follow the quick guide below:

1. Raise your awareness

First, you have to recognize and be aware of what negative habit you want to overcome. After all, how can you get rid of a negative habit if you are not aware that you do it constantly?
Recognize what kind of negative habit you have. One of the best ways to recognize and become self aware is by understanding and knowing yourself. When you know yourself more, you will be able to recognize your negative habits.

2. Replace the negative habit

You can not overcome a negative habit, unless your replace it with something else. For example, if you decide to quite smoking without replacing the behavior with something else, then most likely you will go back to smoking in a matter of days, weeks, or months. Instead, every time you feel like you want to smoke, go outside and take a long walk.

3. Start today

To overcome a negative habit, you need to start today. Many people wait for the right mood, tomorrow, next week, or next month to start eliminating the negative habit. The chances are if you stay waiting for the right time, then that day might not come. You have today to live, so take advantage of it.

4. Focus on the benefits

One of the best ways to make sure a good and positive habit stays ingrained in your personality is to focus on the benefits that you will gain in the long run. For example, if your want to start exercising, then it would be beneficial if you focus on how strong, flexible, and healthy you will be.
Focusing on the end result has been proven to help make a positive habit stay with the individual who wants to overcome bad habits and replace them with new positive ones.

5. Visualize

Studies show that the more the individual visualizes himself performing a positive habit, the more likely he will be able to keep it. Athletes, singers, actors, and all of the successful people perform visualization in one way or another. It is a powerful technique that you can use to your advantage, so never underestimate the power of visualization in regards to overcoming a bad habit and gaining a new one.

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